The Different Types of Acne
Acne can present itself in various forms, each needing a different approach to treatment. Understanding the type of acne you’re dealing with is key to choosing the right approach. Common forms of acne include:
Whiteheads: Small white spots caused by clogged pores; these usually don’t lead to scarring.
Blackheads: Open pores filled with dead skin and oil, resulting in small black dots.
Papules: Red, inflamed bumps that may scar if picked or squeezed.
Pustules: Blemishes filled with pus, often red and swollen, with a risk of scarring.
Nodules: Large, painful lumps deep under the skin, typically requiring professional treatment.
Cysts: Severe, pus-filled lumps that can cause significant scarring and usually need medical attention.
Fungal Acne: Caused by an overgrowth of yeast, leading to itchy, small bumps. It often appears on the forehead, chest, or back and requires antifungal treatments, not standard acne remedies.
Hormonal Acne: Triggered by hormonal changes, this type typically manifests as deep cystic spots along the jawline and chin, especially common in adults. Hormonal treatments and lifestyle adjustments are often needed to manage this form of acne.
Acne Mechanica: Triggered by friction, pressure, or heat, often seen in athletes or people wearing tight clothing or gear.
Acne Symptoms and Causes
Acne symptoms can range from mild inflammation and redness to severe pain, especially in more extreme cases. The primary causes include excess oil production, blocked pores from dead skin cells and bacterial buildup which leads to inflammation.
Hormonal changes, such as those experienced during puberty, menstruation, or periods of stress, are significant contributors to breakouts. External factors, like poor skincare habits, comedogenic products (those that clog or block the pores on your skin) and diet can also make acne worse. Understanding these root causes is key to choosing the right treatment.
Where on the Body Can Acne Appear?
Acne can develop on almost any part of the body, but it most commonly affects areas with a high concentration of oil glands, such as:
- Face
- Back
- Chest
- Shoulders
- Neck
How Severe Can Acne Get?
The severity of acne can vary from mild (like whiteheads and blackheads) to moderate (such as papules and pustules), and severe (nodules and cysts). Severe acne often leads to scarring and can significantly impact self-esteem, making professional treatment essential.
What Treatments Are Available?
Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar the skin. The earlier you start treatment, the lower your risk of such problems. At Eterno Skin Clinic, we offer advanced treatments to tackle all types of acne and scarring:
Chemical Peels: Exfoliates dead skin cells and refreshes the complexion.
Microneedling: Stimulates collagen production for smoother and more even skin.
Radio Frequency Microneedling: Delivers improved results, particularly for deeper scars.
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