The Eterno Fire & Ice Facial

Treatment Time

60 Minutes

Recommended Sessions

6 Initial (Maintenance Advised)

Return to Work

Within 24 Hours

Comfort Level

Mild Tingling

What is the Eterno Fire & Facial Treatment?

The Eterno Fire & Ice is one of our most popular treatments for first time clients – whilst also giving anyone new a fantastic discounted introductory offer!
This brilliantly popular 3 step facial works by engaging 3 of our treatment modalities within one sitting, ProSkin, a high % AHA DermaQuest Resurfacer and LED light therapy. Minimal – no downtime and immediate results!

How does the Eterno Fire & Ice Facial work?

The Eterno Fire & Ice Facial works by following a 3 step process. It works by gently but effectively exfoliating the skin with our ProSkin galvanic device, removing all blackheads, using high % Glycolic or Lactic acid to resurface & invigorate a cell renewal response as well as initiate an intentive skin healing response.
It’s perfect for producing an immediately rejuvenated appearance giving a soft, smooth skin feel.


Who is the Eterno Fire & Ice Facial suitable for?

The Eterno Fire & Ice Facial is suitable for all skin tones and skin types (dry, oily, combination). It is not recommended for active acne.

What are the Treatment Benefits?

This treatment will intensely, yet gently, exfoliate the skin, as well as nourish and retexturise the surface layer. It’s great for a younger client (18+) who has congestion/mild breakouts as well as being tailored to those who have mild texture & dull skin concerns.

How Many Treatments Are Required?

Treatments are required as often as needed, a minimum of 4 weeks apart, with it being a great treatment option for continuous maintenance.

How long will the Eterno Fire & Ice Facial results last?

Results from this treatment continue to improve after each facial.


Product UsedDevice UsedPrices
DermaQuest Range incl Glycolic/Lactic Resurfacer ProSkin Galvanic Cleanser / LED Light Therapy £149

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